At- Home Euthanasia Services

We are here to help your cherished family member pass in a peaceful and dignified manner, in familiar surroundings and your comforting presence.

When your pet has a poor quality of life and it's clear that they're suffering, it is still a difficult decision to put them to sleep. Many clients tell us that it is "the hardest thing they've ever had to do." Others may feel immense guilt, or avoid making the decision altogether. If you would like assistance making this decision, we are here to help guide you and you can count on us for an honest assessment. 

Although it's difficult, planning euthanasia for your ailing pet is the kindest and most humane thing that you can do. Take comfort in knowing that we have been in your shoes with our own pets so we understand how painstaking it is. It's helpful to learn more about the process, talk openly, ask questions and plan things in advance as much as possible.  

During our visit we will work with you to make sure your pet’s passing is a peaceful one and that their remains are treated with the respect they deserve. We will bring a trained assistant to help us administer sedation so your pet is relaxed and pain-free, before administering a final injection. We will arrange cremation services, unless you have other burial plans. You also have the option to have your pets ashes returned to you in a personalized urn. Our services, including cremation, range from $500 to $800 depending on your pet’s size and your wishes for cremation.