Before you fill out an appointment request please be advised that we service only Manhattan below 125th street. Please do not fill out an appointment request of you are not in our service area.

We're the only Fear Free Certified mobile practice in NYC

Most Fear Free certified practices are hospital settings but as Fear Free certified professionals we are able to take those skills and adapt them into the home setting.



We are proud to have Fear Free certified professionals on our team. Our practice is dedicated to caring for your pets emotional and physical wellbeing.

We’d like to show you how we meet that goal. Is your pet showing signs of stress and anxiety when introduced to new people or when handled in the veterinary setting? Ask us if pre-visit sedation or supplements might take the edge off and keep your pet happy and relaxed.

Special calming chemical signals, known as pheromones can be used and sprayed throughout the room. Only dogs and cats can smell them and find them relaxing. Music is available and specially created for canine and feline stress reduction.

We promise to keep our voices low and calm and to never use force to examine, test or treat your pet. We’ll use gentle control techniques, innovative tools, and medication when necessary to ensure your pets emotional health isn’t sacrificed for the sake of medical care.

Unless it’s medically inappropriate, we may be giving your pet lots of treats during the visit. This is so he/she starts associating us with good things! This will keep stress level low. Scheduling the appointment when they are hungry can help this process along.

Some pets prefer to be examined up high, on a table, in your lap or on the floor. We’ll go where we need to make your pet comfortable during the exam. We’ll also use specialized distraction techniques to keep your pet focused on good experiences while we perform procedures, such as injections, that might cause brief stress or pain.



If you think your pet is a good candidate for a Fear Free experience please let us know and we will mail you a Fear Prep Pack in advance of our visit.

Fear Free Pack includes:

  • Instructions on how to prepare for our appointment 
  • Species-specific music designed to create an increased sense of calm at home. By controlling the auditory environment, we can help minimize the release of stress hormones, and set your pet up for success. 
  • Pre-visit supplements, designed to be delicious (aka easy to give!) and to naturally eliminate stress and reduce fear. For most pets, we will send two supplements, each to be given the night before and again the morning of our visit. They can be mixed into food or given separately, and will come with specific dosing instructions. 
  • Pheromone wipes (for cats) to be used on bedding or favorite lounging spots. For dogs we will bring a pheromone spray to use on our clothes and exam area prior to handling them. 
  • Anti-anxiety medications

**Please be aware that in order to provide prescription medications, we must have performed a complete physical exam within the last 12 months; if we have not done so, but your pet has been seen by another provider, please ask them if they can provide an appropriate anti-anxiety medication for our visit